@Parkett “Asparago Rosa di Mezzago” fa parte di un progetto particolare ed articolato: ogni disco celebra un aspetto della sua terra d’origine. La traccia che qui presentiamo fa parte di “Orto.brz”, che insieme a “Patata Bianca di Oreno” è incentrata sui prodotti gastronomici locali. Gli altri dischi del progetto sono “Finestra.brz” che celebra la vista del Parco del Molgora che Joao vede dalla finestra del suo studio di registrazione e “Fiumi.brz”, nel quale il DJ riflette l’impeto dei fiumi Adda, Lambro, Seveso e Molgora che lambiscono il territorio d’origine.
Chromatic Club (Spain) “Joao un-matched style continues to expand with each release …. and confirms the mission that electronic music has always had: to play with the present and advance into the unknown, beyond entertainment. The result is a work as experimental as it is intense and addictive, which takes over oneself like sweet poison, while progressively transporting us, as few producers with a certain fluidity are willing to do.“
The Last Future (Spain) “In such a complex and chaotic moment, in the middle of a pandemic, Orto.brz becomes a place as wonderful as it is necessary.”
Como Las Grecas (Spain) “Joao crea música que funciona en todos los entornos y trasciende los géneros. Su apertura de él a una amplia gama de sonidos es lo que lo ha convertido en un favorito amado, pero también en alguien que opera en su propio mundo musical paralelo. El estilo incomparable de Joao continúa expandiéndose con cada lanzamiento.”
WHO Music Magazine (Spain) “El álbum Orto.brz solidifica su lugar dentro del campo de la música. El resultado es un trabajo tan experimental como intenso y adictivo, que se adueña de sí mismo como dulce veneno, mientras nos transporta progresivamente, como pocos productores con cierta fluidez están dispuestos a hacer. No sabemos qué nos depara el futuro, pero sí sabemos que este registro es testimonio de un presente turbulento e incierto, que quedará en nuestra memoria para siempre. Por récords como este, podemos seguir luchando por un futuro mejor.”
The Last Future “How was your last project born? / What do you want to convey in this work? What is the concept behind?” –> Joao C.: “My last project is the “Orto.brz” EP that is part of a bigger one: BRZ. This project is a tribute to Brianza, the land where I’m actually living, and that I love. Talking with people around my age I noticed that a lot of them are in conflict with their native places and feel the need to move away and for me this is a sad thing. I think that sometimes people just try to escape their problems by physically moving away, but if you stayed you could see the beauty and probably also understand what the real problem is. So, with this project, I want to emphasize the aspects of the territory that I most love and help people connect with their roots.”
Chromatic Club “We all know that the digital revolution has affected sales, but has it affected creativity? –>Joao C.: “No. It’s just the current revolution, one of the many. If you really believe in something you are always able to get inspired.”