[51bts008] Dikital: Search


51beats is glad to host Dikital, an intelligent artist from the “Republika Makedonija”. Dikital shows up with a dubbin’ electronic EP that puts our label again onto different and high quality music binaries. “Search” is characterized by relaxing atmospheres that will certainly transfer to the listeners the most pure emotions and vibes. [51bts#008] is an interersting mixture of dub, ambient, tribal, and electronic sounds resulting in an exciting release that mainly pursue the meditative and contemplative listening. Start your trip with the “Floating ice” and enjoy the deep atmospheres of “Potraga”, take a breake with “Do not disturb”, and finally just enjoy the Dikital “Rain”…put it loud and loudy and close your eyes please…


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Originally from Skopje (Macedonia), Dimitar Dimceski aka Dikital is an inspired and motivated artist that both runs his own projects and a varity of collaborations with other musicians. So far, Dikital has realized three album/releases with the rock band “Nikeja”, and an “Unplugged” DVD release, which has been recorded and captured by the “Macedonian National Radio Television”. Dikital took part in a compilation CD, which was published by the “Art Republika” magazine. Dimitar Dimceski is a professional drummer and percussionist, being involved in the studio activity for the last ten years by producing music, recording lives, and working as an audio engineer.




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