[51bts046] Tonylight: Chosen Works 09-14 (vol.1)


This is the first solo-release by TONYLIGHT, the one and the only 8bit precursor. “Chosen Works 09-14 (vol.1)” is a selection of compositions made by Tony since 2009 in order to build-up his live performances along Europe. Tony’s beats de-construction gradually grows-up during the listening transforming this release into the most hypnotic music labyrinth you can think of. Repetitive percussions dominate patterns to create an infinite obsessional journey. Brain-cutting patterns to recall the most acid and rhythmic Rephlex and Warp productions. Lysergic journey. Move your body to save your brain w/TONYLIGHT!

 Chosen Works 09-14 (vol.1) by Tonylight is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://www.51beats.net/index.php/release/show_release/66. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.51beats.net/index.php/contacts.


[51bts046] Tonylight: Chose Works 09-14 Vol.1 – CASSETTE


Exclusive PREMIERE on Tsinoschi Bar “il produttore meneghino è riuscito a creare con dei suoni Chip and cheap strutture timbriche molto ricche e armonie fantastiche. Difficile è non farsi trasportare nei labirinti virtuali più contorti della mente e… Se guardate dietro l’angolo Mario ha appena voltato per inseguire i suoi mushrooms. Allucinatorio..”


Beach Sloth “Chosen Works 9-14 (vol.1)” is an absolute blast of an album, showing the possibilities of doing more with less.

T.E.S.O. remix Youlusti !!! an old-autechre-like classic 😉 –> REVIEW on TSINOSHI BAR “..i suoni low-fi / 8-bit dell’originale firmato Tonylight vengono letteralmente decomposti, sintetizzati ed immersi in una soluzione di noise e bleeps, inviluppi e distorsioni che, in un randomico gioco di frenetico movimento a bpm elevati, ci ricordano certi lavori usciti su Rephlex. “” 

Danceland (issue 1, page 15): T.E.S.O rmx of Youlusti

8-b.it Chosen works vol 1 è una raccolta ipnotica, acida dominata dalle percussioni ripetitive/infinite…”





Border Radio – The Needle, puntata 5

Radiorevolution plays YOULUSTI

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