Antonio Cavadini aka TONYLIGHT lives and works in Milan. Tonylight is the founder of the micromilano hq part of project, being a crucial actor in building up the Italian 8bit culture. Tony’s carrier divides between visual artistic/light figures inspections and electronic music designing. Being a never exhausted experimentalist, he performed in an infinite number of private and contemporary arts galleries and in the framework of Italian and European culture festivals. During the years, Tonylight builds-up various collaborations with international artists to perform in several museums along EU. Teaching is an essential Tony’s passion, giving several technical talks about the use of simple and home-built electronic setups at universities. Tonylight is the LEPLOOP creator & designer together with Peppo Lasagna. Tony is a legendary member of OTOLAB. 51beats publishes his first solo album: an 8bit journey thorough Tony’s electrons. Infinity.
Exclusive PREMIERE of “Chosen Works 09-14 (vol.1)” on Tsinoschi Bar “il produttore meneghino è riuscito a creare con dei suoni Chip and cheap strutture timbriche molto ricche e armonie fantastiche. Difficile è non farsi trasportare nei labirinti virtuali più contorti della mente e… Se guardate dietro l’angolo Mario ha appena voltato per inseguire i suoi mushrooms. Allucinatorio..”
Milano 24\05\2006 – 1° MicroMilano Micromusic Party, Cox18
Milano 03\05\2007 – Micromilano v.2, Cox18
Eindhoven 24\11\2007 – Strp festival
Monterrey 06\12\2007 – Festival Mexico
Amsterdam 23\2\2008 – SONICACTS XII Paradiso amst
Torino 13\3\2008 – King Kong Microplex
Paris 11\4\2008 – Nemo Festival
New York 26\4\2008 – Pulse Wave, at the Tank. VIDEO
Chicago 01\5\2008 – Hotti Biscotti
Basel 06\6\2008 – G57
Athens 4\5\2008 – Synch festival
Berlin 31\7\2008 – Madame Claude
Athens 24\10\2008 – k44
Jersey City 29\11\2008 – Jersey City show
New York 04\12\2008 – Blip Festival
Milano 16\1\2009 – O’
London 23\1\2009 – Public Life
Milano 17\4\2009 – Cox18 live with Otto Von Schirach
Bogota 08\5\2009 – Pixel party
Philadelphia 06\6\2009 – 8static
Berlin 11\6\2010 – Tresor
Brussel 03\6\2010 – iMAL_Center for Digital Cultures
London 25\6\2010 – Or bits
London 26\6\2010 – Area 10
Berlin 02\6\2010 – Zmfven
Linz 02\8\2010 – Live set
Edinburgh 22\8\2010 – The Forest Cafe
Valencia 11\6\2011 – Microparty
Hvar 20\8\2011 – Helios Bar
Berlin 24\9\2011 – HBC
Timisoara 8\10\2011 – Immaginary festival
Milano 4\2\2012 – Spazio concept
Lille 17\3\2012 – Noise Festival
Rotterdam 25\5\2012 – Vroom
Poitiers 30\6\2012 – Bruisme #2
Brescia 21\7\2012 – Musical Zoo festival VIDEO
Verona 10\11\2012 – Alterego
Berghen 24\11\2012 – Pixel x festival
Basel 11\5\2013 – Microparty
Amsterdam 23\11\2013 – Europe in 8bit
Milano 13\4\2014 – Blau studio
Varsavia 16\5\2014 – Planete+ Doc film festival
Wroclaw 17\5\2014 – Planete+ Doc film festival